Sneak Peek from Day 14 of 30 days of Eternal Peace

Remove all the curses that block
Have we all feel let down by a fellow servant of the Lord? When we find it reasonable then we can do is curse against those who do and swear it kept recurring until our hearts are satisfied and will come back when someone reminds them. As a person who has been formed through a process of events both good and bad it will be very odd if there is personal among us who do not do that and certainly we all want to not do so because of all the curses that came out it was a reflection of ourselves we really are then when the current we all still have a burden like that then try to be released slowly and rest assured God will have his own way to see us become more precious for what happened but once again above Believe it because when all the cursing out then take out all the rest do not exist anymore and leave all our hearts immediately prayed to God and ourselves that every calumny was forgiven by God

~ by lucifer on July 7, 2011.

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